When learning yoga, the main thing is the environment and setting the space. As the main aspects or at least the ones that really matter are very subtle. That's why creating a space which is conducive is vital to how much one can realise through the practice of yoga. Traditionally, yoga was always taught in secluded spaces but as time move on, this isn't always possible.
That is why, a long with our regular classes, we offer yoga retreats to create the best possible atmosphere and allow a each person to have that much more receptivity to the practice. It the best way to learn and experience the deeper aspects of yoga but it also offers those who have learnt the practice to solidify and further deepen it. We will only choose that venue that can offer the best.
Yogasanas Yaksha
The Deeper Dimensions
The focus of this retreat is the quality, both in terms of the yoga and of the surroundings, in which you would learn. We've carefully chosen the best venue where we can reflect the quality of the teaching and ensure a conducive environment and the necessary atmosphere so that participants can gain maximum benefit. The idea being, that this is a stepping stone towards your own well-being.